Regional news: India

Smart Cities India Expo

2024-01-21 15:32
From January 17 to#nbsp;19, 2024, the capital of#nbsp;India#nbsp;— New Delhi hosted the Smart Cities India Expo#nbsp;— a#nbsp;large scale event, dedicated to#nbsp;the latest achievements in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;smart urban planning. For the first time a#nbsp;delegation from Russia took part in#nbsp;the Expo and was headed by#nbsp;the Minister of#nbsp;the Moscow Government, Head of#nbsp;the Moscow Department of#nbsp;Foreign Economic and International Relations, Chairman of#nbsp;the Board of#nbsp;the Business Council for Cooperation with India, Mr#nbsp;Sergei Cheremin.

At#nbsp;the exhibition exposition of#nbsp;the Russian capital partners from India were presented with information and high-tech solutions, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;Moscow’s successful experience in#nbsp;implementing the Smart City project, including an#nbsp;intelligent transport system, the provision of#nbsp;online government services, the Moscow Electronic School platform, and advanced methods of#nbsp;using artificial intelligence.

Honorary representative of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;India, Mr#nbsp;Igor Piasetskii, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the delegation of#nbsp;the Moscow Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry took an#nbsp;active part in#nbsp;the exhibition and held a#nbsp;series of#nbsp;B2B meetings as#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the Russian Indian business forum, held on#nbsp;January 18 in#nbsp;New Delhi.

The forum was organized by#nbsp;the Moscow Department of#nbsp;External Economic and International Relations, the Embassy of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;India, the Trade Representation of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;India, and the Moscow Center for International Cooperation.