News of CCI Russia and FICCI India

Business forum and inauguration of the office of the Honorary Representative of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Mumbai

2024-04-27 08:00
From April 24 to#nbsp;April 26, 2024, the delegation of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation headed by#nbsp;President S.#nbsp;N.#nbsp;Katyrin visited the Indian city of#nbsp;Mumbai. The Russian business mission was compromised of#nbsp;the leadership of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry, representatives of#nbsp;20 leading Russian companies such as#nbsp;Lenhydroproekt, RusHydro, Termex, Titan Polymer, FC#nbsp;Axioma, FESCO, management of#nbsp;the Chambers of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;St. Petersburg and the Lipetsk Regions, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the Honorary Representative of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;India.

As#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the programme of#nbsp;the visit a#nbsp;solemn ceremony of#nbsp;the inauguration of#nbsp;Representative office of#nbsp;the Russian Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry in#nbsp;Mumbai took place. This office will be#nbsp;headed by#nbsp;Mr#nbsp;Vladislav Dmitriev, who has an#nbsp;extensive experience in#nbsp;conducting business in#nbsp;India and Nepal. Furthermore, a#nbsp;large-scale business forum was held at#nbsp;the World Trade Center in#nbsp;Mumbai, during which the potential and capabilities of#nbsp;Russian business companies were extensively presented to#nbsp;the Indian audience. The programme of#nbsp;the event was concluded by#nbsp;a#nbsp;series of#nbsp;B2B meetings, which were attended by#nbsp;more than 100 large Indian companies.

The main partner on#nbsp;the Indian side was the All-India Association of#nbsp;Industries (AIAI), headed by#nbsp;President V.#nbsp;Kalantri. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;result of#nbsp;the event, two Memorandums of#nbsp;Understanding were signed#nbsp;— between AIAI and the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;St.#nbsp;Petersburg, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;AIAI and the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Lipetsk Region.