News of CCI Russia and FICCI India

Visit of the business mission of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic" to India

2023-05-06 14:41
From June 7 to#nbsp;June 9, 2023, a#nbsp;business mission of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Chuvash Republic (Russian Federation) to#nbsp;India will take place in#nbsp;New Delhi.

The delegation headed by#nbsp;the President of#nbsp;the Chamber Kustarin I.V. (member of#nbsp;the Council of#nbsp;the Russian Federation) will include major industry leaders interested in#nbsp;establishing business ties with Indian entrepreneurs from various sectors of#nbsp;the economy.

As#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the business mission, meetings of#nbsp;entrepreneurs in#nbsp;the B2B format will be#nbsp;held, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;visits by#nbsp;the participants of#nbsp;the delegation to#nbsp;local industrial enterprises.

The event is#nbsp;organized jointly with the Federation of#nbsp;Indian Chambers of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry (FICCI).