News of CCI Russia and FICCI India

The 1st Russian-Indian Investment Forum took place in Moscow

2024-04-28 08:00
On#nbsp;April 27, 2024, the 1st Russian-Indian Investment Forum, organized jointly by#nbsp;the Embassy of#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;India in#nbsp;the Russian Federation and the Ministry of#nbsp;Economic Development of#nbsp;the Russian Federation, took place in#nbsp;Moscow.

The Forum was attended by H.E. Ambassador of#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;India to#nbsp;the Russian Federation Mr#nbsp;Vinay Kumar, Minister of#nbsp;the Government of#nbsp;Moscow, Head of#nbsp;the Department for External Economic and International Relations of#nbsp;the City of#nbsp;Moscow, Chairman of#nbsp;the Board of#nbsp;the Business Council for Cooperation with India Mr#nbsp;Sergey Cheremin, Deputy Minister of#nbsp;Economic Development of#nbsp;the Russian Federation Mr#nbsp;Vladimir Ilyichev, Vice-President of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation Mr#nbsp;Vladimir Padalko, Honorary Representative of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;India Mr#nbsp;Igor Piasetskii and other officials.

During the Forum, sessions "Invest in#nbsp;India" and "Invest in#nbsp;Russia" were held, at#nbsp;which the prospects for economic cooperation between Russia and India, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;investment opportunities in#nbsp;both countries, were discussed. The National Agency for the Promotion and Encouragement of#nbsp;Investments "Invest India" and the Ministry of#nbsp;Economic Development of#nbsp;the Russian Federation held presentations of#nbsp;their projects.