News of CCI Russia and FICCI India

The Exhibition “Russian Coal and Mining 2024” in Novokuznetsk

2024-06-05 08:00
From June 4 to#nbsp;June 7, 2024, the 32nd International Specialized Exhibition of#nbsp;Mining Technologies "Russian Coal and Mining 2024" is#nbsp;being held in#nbsp;the city of#nbsp;Novokuznetsk. This is#nbsp;a#nbsp;unique platform showcases the latest mining technologies and opens new horizons for cooperation for foreign and domestic companies and allows them to#nbsp;use the presented opportunities for business development. The organizers of#nbsp;the exhibition were the Ministry of#nbsp;Energy of#nbsp;Russia, the Ministry of#nbsp;Industry and Trade of#nbsp;Russia, the Government of#nbsp;the Kemerovo Region, and the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation.

The delegation of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation was headed by#nbsp;its Vice-President Mr#nbsp;Dmitry Kurochkin. The exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining" brings together the largest domestic and foreign manufacturers and equipment suppliers who demonstrate new and proven products. Participants of#nbsp;the event can get acquainted with the latest trends in#nbsp;the mining industry, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;find potential investors and partners.

During the second day of#nbsp;the Exhibition, Honorary Representative of#nbsp;the Chamber of#nbsp;Commerce and Industry of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;India Mr#nbsp;Igor Piasetskii took part in#nbsp;the session "Financial instruments for industrial development. Cross-border payments", and roundtable "Increasing the efficiency of#nbsp;mining enterprises in#nbsp;modern conditions after the departure of#nbsp;European suppliers." He#nbsp;spoke in#nbsp;detail about the prospects for the development of#nbsp;Russian-Indian trade and economic cooperation, including in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;mining, emphasizing that India has great potential to#nbsp;become one of#nbsp;Russia’s largest partners in#nbsp;this industry.